Classroom of the elite anime

Type: Anime
Genre: Slice of Life, Psychological, Drama

This anime is extremely interesting watch for me purely based on the fact that this would be a great experiment to see happen in real life with how money and having access to everything a person could possibly want would affect how they treat their real life responsibilities. Plus the characters look like they have quite a few layers to them which will be fun to watch assuming they expand into their personalities.

The protagonist of the story sitting next to a paranoid ice-queen. A slice of life anime. Interesting character development. An excellent series!
Kiyotaka Ayanokoji Talks slowly with disinterest, but according to his continuous self-dialog, he cares but cannot express it. He, unfortunately, is sitting next to the most paranoid and schizoid girl, Horikito, in his class. The different personalities of their classmates are distinct, if not a parody, of Japanese dysfunction. They have the rich narcissistic boy; the pandering girl that wants to be liked by everyone; a number of superficial, self-involved teenagers; the angry guy that sleeps in class; most of whom abuse the system in various ways.The plot is good, as is the somewhat trite character development. The anime enjoyable to watch, I find myself rooting for the protagonist but i was disappointed of not releasing the second season yet but still, it's worth watching.

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